Order statistic
In a set of $n$ elements:
- Order statistic: the $i$th smallest element
- Median:
- if $n$ is odd $\Rightarrow$ $i = \frac{n+1}{2}$
- if $n$ is even $\Rightarrow$ two medians (lower and upper median)
Fast min/max #
Time complexity is still $O(n)$ but uses $3 \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$ comparisons at most
algorithm minmax(a):
min = infinity
max = -infinity
for i from 1 to n (incrementing by 2):
if a[i] < a[i - 1]:
if a[i] < min:
set min to a[i]
if a[i - 1] > max:
set max to a[i - 1]
if a[i - 1] < min:
set min to a[i - 1]
if a[i] > max:
set max to a[i]
Quickselect #
To find the $i$th smallest element, uses the same partition algorithm as quicksort.
algorithm quickselect(a, min, max, i):
if min = max:
return a[min]
p = partition(a, min, max)
k = p - min + 1
if i == k:
return q[p]
else if i < p:
return quickselect(a, min, p - 1, i)
return quickselect(a, p + 1, max, i-k)