(Undirected) graph: $(V, E, \gamma)$
- Set $V$ of vertices,
- Isolated: vertex without neighbors
- Degree $deg(v)$: numer of times a vertex occurs as endpoint
- Set $E$ of edges
- Function $\gamma(e) = \{v, w\}$, that maps each edge $e$ to its endpoints $v, w$
- $V$ and $w$ are adjacent/neighbors
- $V$ and $e$ are incident
- (self-)loop if $v = w$
Graph properties #
- Multi-graph: if $\gamma$ is not injective (two edges have the same endpoints / parallel edges)
- Simple: if $\gamma$ is injective
- Connected: if there exsists a path from any vertex to any other vertex (otherwise disconnected)
- Components: connected pieces in a disconnected graph
- Bridge: an edge in a connected graph if removing it makes the graph disconnected
Special graphs #
- Discrete graph $U_n$: has $n$ vertices, but to edges (disconnected dots)
- Complete graph $K_n$: has $n$ vertices and all distinct vertices are connected by a single edge
- Regular: if all vertices have the same degree
- Linear graph $L_n$: has $n$ vertices and eges (looks like a chain)
$K_n$ and $L_n$ are connected graphs
Subgraphs #
Intuatively: remove vertices and connected edges
Subgraph $H = (V_1, E_1, \gamma_1)$ is a subgraph of $G = (V, E, \gamma)$:
- $E_1 \subseteq E$ and $V_1 \subseteq V$ such that for all $e \in E_1, \gamma(e) \subseteq V_1$
- $\gamma_1$ is the restriction of $\gamma$ to $E_1$
Paths in graphs #
Path: a pair $\pi = (V_\pi, E_\pi)$ where
- $V_\pi$ is a sequence of vertices
- $E_\pi$ is a sequence of edges
Such that:
- For all $i = 1, ..., k - 1$: $v_i$, $v_{i+1}$ are the endpoints of $e_i$
- No edge occurs more than once in $E_\pi$
Path properties #
- Circuit: path that starts and ends in the same vertex
- Simple: path in which no vertex appears more than once (except for the first and last in a simple circuit)
Quotient graphs #
A graph on a equivalence relation R
- Verticies are the equivalence classes of R
- All vertices are connected to each other by an edge in a kind of circle
Euler paths/circuits #
- Euler path: visists every edge exactly once
- Euler circuit: euler path that starts and ends at the same vertex
Theorem on Euler Circuits:
- If a graph $G$ has a vertex of odd degree that there is no Euler circuit in $G$
- If $G$ is connected and $G$ has no vertex of odd degree, then there is an Euler circuit in $G$
Theorem on Euler paths:
- If a graph $G$ has more than two vertices of odd degree then there can be no Euler path in $G$
- If a graph $G$ has exactly two vertices of odd degree then there is an Euler path in $G$
Fleury's algorithm #
Used to find a euler path.
- Start on a vertex with on odd degree. If no such vertex exsists start at an arbitrary vertex.
- Add any adjacent vertex that is not a bridge / that doesn't cause the graph to become disconnected
- Remove the added edge from the graph
- Repeat step 2/3 untill you have covered all edges
Hamiltonian paths/circuits #
- Hamiltonian path: visists every vertex exactly once
- Hamiltonian circuit: visists every vertex exactly once except for the first and last vertex
- Hamiltonian graph: if the graph contains a Hamiltonain circuit
Theorem on Hamiltonian graphs:
Let $G$ be a connected graph without loops or parralel edges, with $n \leq 3$ vertices and $m$ edges:
- $G$ is Hamiltonian if $deg(v) > n/2$
- $G$ is Hamiltonian if $m \geq \frac{n^2 + 3n + 6}{2}$
Note: there exsist Hamiltonian graphs that do not satisfy the conditions above.